High-Security Rogue Drone Combat Sites

Rogue Drones are the result of decades-old Gallente research in the fields of artificial intelligence and drone technology. Having gained their own kind of sentience, they have since spread to all corners of New Eden. They employ specialized beam laser weapons that deal a variety of damage types, and occasionally use stasis webifiers or warp disruptors.

Combat sites in Eve Online can be divided into three categories.

Combat Anomalies

Combat anomalies appear as green on your probe scanner window, allowing you warp to them immediately. All combat anomalies have a small chance of spawning a faction NPC.


D.E.D. Rated Combat Signatures

Combat signatures must be probed down before you can warp to them. All D.E.D. rated combat signatures consist of multiple rooms, and have at least one special NPC or structure that has a chance to drop special loot.


Unrated Combat Signatures

Unrated combat signatures have a faction NPC or structure that have a chance of escalating to a four-part expedition. Each stage of the expedition has a chance of spawning a faction NPC, and a chance of continuing to the next stage of the escalation. The final stage of most expeditions will be in a low-security system, and will have a special NPC or structure that has a chance of dropping special loot.
